Everyday living becomes challenging when missing teeth make chewing and speaking difficult. Dental implants can permanently restore your smile and give you back your self-confidence.
What are Dental Implants abroad?
Dental implants are used to replace the root of the tooth. They are made of titanium and they are independently anchored, like natural teeth, into sockets of the jawbone. Titanium is a metal that is bio-compatible, and offers strength, durability and the unique property of fusing directly to the bone. Dental implants thus behave similarly to natural teeth. Implants consist typically of three parts: the implant device itself -that replaces the root-, the abutment -that is placed on top- and connects the implant device to the third part and the overlying crown or denture. In providing implants, we rely on dental implant systems with proven success rates, namely Nobel Biocare, Xive and Alpha Bio implants. All these implant systems are of proven quality that has been tested through time.
The Placement of Dental Implants abroad
The placement of dental implants requires 2 visits to our clinic. During your initial visit, which will last between 3 to 5 days, we will perform your free initial consultation. There you will meet our dentists and we will finalise your treatment plan. We will then perform the placement of the implant together with the temporary crown. The healing period averages four months, but it can be as long as 6 to 8 months. Successful healing is established via a panoramic X-ray. At this stage we can arrange your second visit which will last between one to two weeks. The dentist will then place the permanent crowns or bridges.
Off you go with a brand new smile!
Suitability of Dental Implants
Not all patients are suitable for dental implants. Suitability depends on your medical history and the condition of your gums or teeth. In some cases we will first need to perform oral surgery, such us sinus lift or bone replacement and then proceed with the dental implants. In these cases the healing period usually takes longer.
Read if dental implants are right for you in this post.
Dental implants offer significant advantages as far as functionality and aesthetics are concerned.
Not least of which is their low cost in our clinic in Crete.SCROLL_TEXT
Further reading
Special offer on Nobel Biocare implants, undoubtedely the best implants in the world.
10 reasons to choose dental implant treatment.
Dental Implants Pros & Cons
Advantages of Dental Implants abroad
- A permanent and comfortable solution to missing teeth. The patient’s smile is restored and chewing problems are resolved.
- Neighboring teeth remain healthy and are protected from bone shrinking that occurs when teeth are missing.
- An aesthetically perfect solution. Nobody will be able to tell the difference from natural teeth.